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How to configure media serving on a custom domain

By default, media files in Divio applications are served directly from our S3 cloud storage service, and the URL of each object will refer to that storage endpoint - for example, objects may be served from an S3 bucket which might have a domain like:

Some users may prefer or require that their media are served from their own domain, say

This is not an option available by default, but it can be configured by setting up a reverse proxy.

Set up the reverse proxy application

Create a new Divio application, using the options:

  • Platform: Build your own
  • application type: Nginx

This application will contain the reverse proxy, that will refer all requests made to the custom domain to the actual domain that the application serves its media from. The only function of this reverse proxy application is to refer requests to the actual application application.

Set up a domain for media files

Using the Control Panel, add the domain to the reverse proxy application.

Configure Nginx as a reverse proxy

We expect users who adopt this approach to be familiar with the management of reverse proxies and comfortable with their configuration. It's beyond the scope of our support to provide details of how this should be done, however:

  • set up the Nginx configuration to proxy requests from (say) to (say)
  • you may also need to configure header rewriting; some S3 hosts are stricter than others and may refuse to accept requests with the wrong heads

Deploy the application and check that requests for media objects on the custom domain are correctly referred to the actual storage, and that they are served as expected.

Configure media storage URLs in the application application

Your application has an automatically-configured DEFAULT_STORAGE_DSN environment variable. This contains the domain used by your code (e.g. Django Storages, for Django templates and views) when it needs to refer to the URL of a media object.

You will need to adapt this value, substituting the custom domain you wish to use, and apply it manually in the Environment Variables section of the application's dashboard. Then the application will need to be redeployed.


As far as your application is concerned, it will still interact with the storage bucket, using the storage backend, at the original address. It is only when it needs to use a URL to refer to objects for access over HTTP that it will use the custom domain.


When using our automatically-configured DEFAULT_STORAGE_DSN, you don't need to be concerned about keeping this up-to-date - it's managed for you.

When using your own custom domain, you will need to manage the configuration. For example, if your application is redeployed to a different cloudspace, the URL for its storage could change, and both the Nginx configuration and the DEFAULT_STORAGE_DSN will need to be changed too.