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Divio environment variables

Divio cloud environments are automatically provided with a number of environment variables that can be used to configure the applications that run in them. These can also be overridden in the Environment variables view in the Control Panel.


Each database provisioned in Services will have a corresponding environment variable, for example DEFAULT_DATABASE_DSN (depending on the prefix applied - the default prefix is always DEFAULT). The DEFAULT_DATABASE_DSN is also exposed as DATABASE_URL


The primary domain of the environment's server.


Other domains for the environment, separated by commas.


The cloud environment's Git branch.


A generated random key that your application can use as a unique identifier for internal security purposes.


The name of the environment (test, live, etc).


Each object storage provisioned in Services will have a corresponding environment variable, for example DEFAULT_STORAGE_DSN (depending on the prefix applied - the default prefix is always DEFAULT).