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How to add and manage collaborators

Divio allows you to manage applications and collaborators using organisations. An organisation is free to create, and you may add and manage developers and even customers with varying access levels, as collaborators as many as you need.

Collaborator types

  • Owner collaborator set by default upon creation of the organisation and has full control over the organisation, all its applications and collaborators.
  • Administrator collaborators will have access to the organisation and all applications in it.
  • Regular collaborators will not have access to applications in the organisation until they are explicitly given access through adding applications they should have access to.

Add a collaborator to an organisation

  • Select the organisation to which you would like to add the collaborator.
  • From the organisations settings, select collaborators and add collaborators.
  • Add your collaborator's email address and select whether you want to provide regular or administrator permissions. Your new collaborator will receive a confirmation email and will need to verify their account.

If the collaborator you invite does not have a Divio account, they will have the option to create one. The email address you use to invite a collaborator must match their account email address.

Until the account is confirmed by your collaborator, you will see a pending status attached to the new user.

Once the account is confirmed, your new collaborator is a member of the organisation.

Add a collaborator to an application

A collaborator to be added to an application must be a member of the organisation the application belongs to.

In the application's Dashboard, select collaborators and click on the field under the add available collaborators to this application, choose the email of the collaborator and hit add collaborators.

Remove collaborators

An admin collaborator can remove another admin but not oneself. To remove a collaborator from an organisation, in the organisation settings, select collaborators, and click on the options menu for a particular collaborator and select remove.

To revoke access of a collaborator from an application, in the application's Dashboard, select collaborators, and hit the delete icon for a particular collaborator.