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25 docs tagged with "template"

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Divio ❤️ Angular

Learn how to get started with Angular a web framework that empowers developers to build fast, reliable applications.

Divio ❤️ ASP.NET Core

Learn how to get started with ASP.NET Core, a cross-platform framework for building cloud-based web applications using .NET.

Divio ❤️ Django

Learn how to get started with Django, the most popular Python web application framework.

Divio ❤️ django CMS

Learn how to get started with django CMS, a very popular Django-based content management system framework.

Divio ❤️ Drupal

Learn how to get started with Drupal, a very popular PHP-based content management system.

Divio ❤️ Express

Learn how to get started with Express, a widely-used web application framework for Node.js.

Divio ❤️ FastAPI

Learn how to get started with FastAPI, a modern Python-based web framework for building APIs.

Divio ❤️ Flask

Learn how to get started with Flask, a minimalistic web application framework.

Divio ❤️ Gatsby

Learn how to get started with Gatsby, a modern web development framework built with React.

Divio ❤️ Go

Learn how to get started with Go, a powerful statically typed programming language.

Divio ❤️ Java

Learn how to get started with Java Spring Boot, an open-source framework for building Java-based web applications.

Divio ❤️ Laravel

Learn how to get started with Laravel, a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax.

Divio ❤️ Next.js

Learn how to get started with Next.js, it enables you to create high-quality web applications with the power of React components.

Divio ❤️ nginx

Get started with a Docker container and a Docker Compose configuration for a blank application.

Divio ❤️ Node.js

Learn how to get started with Node.js, a free, open-source, cross-platform JavaScript runtime environment that lets developers create servers, web apps, command line tools and scripts.

Divio ❤️ React

Learn how to get started with React, a JavaScript library for building user interfaces.

Divio ❤️ Svelte

Learn how to get started with Svelte, a modern JavaScript framework that enables you to build web applications with ease.

Divio ❤️ Symfony

Learn how to get started with Symfony, a set of reusable PHP components and a PHP framework to build web applications, APIs, microservices and web services.

Divio ❤️ Vue.js

Learn how to get started with Vue.js, an approachable, performant and versatile framework for building web user interfaces.

Divio ❤️ Wagtail

Learn how to get started with Wagtail, a very popular Django-based content management system framework.

Divio ❤️ WordPress

Learn how to get started with WordPress, a prominent PHP-based content management system.


Find Divio's tutorials on JavaScript here. Learn how to create a new Divio app, set it up locally, deploy to the Divio cloud, add more refinements, and more.


Find Divio's tutorials on PHP here. Learn how to create a new Divio app, set it up locally, deploy to the Divio cloud, add more refinements, and more.


Find Divio's tutorials on Python here. Learn how to create a new Divio app, set it up locally, deploy to the Divio cloud, add more refinements, and more.