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Divio's local commands cheatsheet

Application resource management

Set up an application:

divio app setup <slug>

Deploy Cloud server:

divio app deploy

Or by specifying any other environment such as live.

divio app deploy live

Build local web image:

e.g. after updating or the Dockerfile.

docker-compose build web

Push/pull code:

Use git commands as appropriate.

Pull or push media or database:

divio app pull media
divio app push media
divio app pull db
divio app push db

Or by specifying any other environment such as live.

divio app pull media live

List custom environment variables:

divio app environment-variables list

Or by specifying any other environment such as live or even all environments using the --all-envs flag.

divio app environment-variables list -e live
divio app environment-variables list --all-envs

Get a specific custom environment variable:

divio app environment-variables get <environment_variable_name>

Or by specifying any other environment such as live or even all occurrences of this environment variable across all environments using the --all-envs flag.

divio app environment-variables get <environment_variable_name> -e live
divio app environment-variables get <environment_variable_name> --all-envs

List deployments:

divio app deployments list

Or by specifying any other environment such as live or even all environments using the --all-envs flag.

divio app deployments list -e live
divio app deployments list --all-envs

Get a specific deployment:

divio app deployments get <deployment_uuid>

Get an environment variable registered for a specific deployment:

divio app deployments get-var <deployment_uuid> <environment_variable_name>

Running the local server

Start an application:

divio app up

You can also use equivalent docker commands such as:

docker-compose up
docker-compose run --rm --service-ports web

Stop an application:

divio app down

Working inside the containerised environment

Run a specific command inside the web container:

docker-compose run --rm web <command>

For example,

docker-compose run --rm web python shell

Run a specific command inside the web container, exposing the ports listed in the Dockerfile:

docker-compose run --rm --service-ports web <command>

Docker management

List running containers:

docker ps

List all containers:

docker ps -a

List images:

docker image ls

Remove all stopped containers:

docker container prune

Remove all unused containers and images:

docker system prune