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An Organisation on the Divio Cloud represents the highest level of hierarchy on the platform. It serves as a container for all your applications, allowing you to manage settings, collaborators, billing, invoices and your subscription.

Create an organisation

You can create an unlimited number of Organisations in Divio Cloud. To create an Organisation:

  1. Open the organisation dropdown.
  2. Click on "Add New Organisation".
  3. Choose an organisation name.
  4. (Optional) Invite additional collaborators to your organisation.

Hit Create Organisation to complete the process.

Managing an organisation

You can change the name and avatar picture after you've created an application.

If you wish to leave an organisation, you can do so from the Manage Organisations view. However, if you are the owner of the Organisation, you must first transfer ownership to another collaborator before you can leave.

Note that an Organisation cannot be deleted. The owner must retain it.


The Billing section lets you update your credit card and billing information.


In the Subscription section, you can see your Organisation's extras.


The Invoices section provides access to all your past and current invoices. You can download invoices for your records and view detailed billing information. You'll also see detailed information about what is being charged.


The Collaborators section allows you to invite new members to your Organisation, assign roles, and manage existing collaborators.


In the Settings section, you can update the Organisation's name and avatar. This helps personalize your Organization and make it easily identifiable.

Managing collaborators

You can invite collaborators to your organisation and assign them specific roles. There are two primary roles:

  • Regular users: Regular users cannot manage an organisation. They need to be invited to individual applications to get access to them. They also cannot create new applications and have restricted access within the application itself.
  • Admin: Admins have full access to view and manage the organisation and can view and manage all applications of the organisation.
  • Owner: The owner has ultimate control over the organisation, including transferring ownership to another user.

Addons (legacy)

Organisations can also have add-ons to enhance functionality. Add-ons are additional features or services that can be integrated into Aldryn applications within the organisation.