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How to package a Django application as an Aldryn addon

Register the addon

Before your addon can be uploaded, the Divio Control Panel must be ready to receive it.

Select Add custom addon from Personal Addons in the Divio Control Panel, or simply go straight to Add custom addon.

  • Package Name: must be unique on the system. We recommend prefixing it with your own name, for example susan-example-application.
  • Name: e.g. Susan's Django Debug Toolbar
  • License: select a predefined license for your addon (or leave it blank and add your own later.)
  • Organisation: select an organisation if appropriate.

When you hit Create addon, the addon will be registered on the system.


The package name must not contain underscores.

Add the packaging files

We need to work in the application's addons-dev directory. Create a new directory there with the same name as the Package Name.

Select Package Information from your addon's menu. Download the packaging files, and add them to the addon. It should look something like this:


Now let's go through the files one by one.

The file

All the lines you need in the will be provided automatically in the downloaded version, with the exception of the install_requires argument:

If your addon installs an application

In this case, you will need to add the package to be installed to the install_requires argument, for example install_requires=["example_application==1.8.3"].

If your addon contains an application

If on the other hand, for example if the application is not available on PyPI, simply add it as the inner application directory.


The inner application directory, in this case susan_example_application, should have a name that matches the package name (susan-example-application), with underscores substituted for the dashes.

This will allow the Control Panel to copy the application's templates into the application's Git repository when the addon is first installed in an application. If the names don't match, the application will still work, but the templates will not be made available for easy editing.

The addon will then contain some additional files:


Add any dependencies of the application to install_requires of

The file expects to find a version number in the addon, at tutorial_django_debug_toolbar.__version__:

For an addon that installs a package

We recommend providing a version number that tracks the package's version number - for example, if the addon installs version 1.8.3, the addon's __version__ numbers should be, and so on.

For an addon that includes a package

We recommend some form of semantic versioning.

The other packaging files

The other packaging files are simpler:

  • README.rst: If you haven't already provided a description via the Control Panel, this will be empty. If you plan to share your addon with other users, it's important to provide a useful README.
  • The default takes care of most non-Python files that an addon is likely to need the setup tools to take care of: LICENSE, plus directories for LICENSE, plus directories for boilerplates, templates, static and locale files.
  • LICENSE: Make sure the license terms are appropriate.
  • addon.json: We recommend leaving this as it is. Although you can use it to add multiple packages to INSTALLED_APPS, it's better to do this in (see below).

Add configuration


If your application requires any settings of its own, you will need to manage them in, placed at the root of your application. The general form is:

from aldryn_client import forms

class Form(forms.BaseForm):
def to_settings(self, data, settings):

settings['ENABLE_FLIDGETS'] = True

return settings

See how to configure settings in for more details and examples.

Provide form-based configuration

You can use the Form class to allow configuration via the Control Panel.

See adding form fields for user configuration for more information.

Provide URL configuration

Not all addons will have their own URL configurations that need to be included in an application, but if they do, you can add them. See how to include an addon's URL configuration for more details.

Check the addon

Test it

Your addon is now ready to be tested.

Add the package name to the INSTALLED_ADDONS in This adds it to the list of addons that the application will "watch".


divio app develop <package name>

You can test that the application now works as expected.

Validate it

You will need the python package aldryn-client installed to be able to validate your addon.

If you have not already installed it, run:

pip install aldryn-client

Now make sure you're in the addons-dev/<package name> directory.

Now, running divio addon validate should now confirm that the addon is valid:

➜ divio addon validate
Addon is valid!

Upload the addon

Upload with divio addon upload.

This version of the addon will be placed into the Alpha release channel. If you visit the its Versions page, you'll be able to change the release channel.

Your addon is now available for installation into applications via the control panel. If you make it public, other users will be able to install it too.

You can continue uploading new versions of it, as long as each has its own unique version number.